PR refers to Proportional Representation. It has several possible forms, including:
- Single Transferable Vote (STV)
- Mixed-Member Proportional (MMP)
- Party List (PL)
The Proportional Representation Society of Australia (PRSA) recommends PR-STV.
The Proportional Representation Society of Australia (PRSA) does not support Party List (PL) or Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) systems, because they do not deliver direct election of individual candidates.
Party List systems were originally implemented when the South Australian Legislative Council and the A.C.T. Legislative Assembly first used PR, but in both cases public opinion rejected them and their inescapable character of placing the real power of deciding the people to be elected in the hands of political parties, which alone decide who will be on the lists, and the order they will appear on them, so they were replaced by PR-STV systems.