This page allows you to run elections using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) form of proportional representation (PR), known as PR-STV. This is an excellent method for electing representative groups, e.g. executive committees for clubs and associations.

PR-STV is the gold standard of electoral systems, recommended by the PRSA. You can learn more about PR-STV here.

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If you are experiencing difficulties, please ensure you are using the latest version of a modern Internet browser. The PRSA Online PR-STV Counting Service’s minimum requirements are:

  • Mozilla Firefox 52+
  • Google Chrome 57+
  • Microsoft Edge 79+
  • Apple Safari 11+

Certified election and vote-counting services

Results generated by this free online vote-counting service on this page are provided with no warranty. For clients requiring certified services, the Proportional Representation Society of Australia (Victoria–Tasmania) provides election and vote-counting services at competitive rates, including the counting of ballot papers cast in your election, or the appointment of one of PRSA (Vic-Tas)’s Accredited PR-STV Vote-counting Officers as the Returning Officer to conduct your entire election.

Powered by OpenTally, © 2021 Lee Yingtong Li. Provided by the PRSA under licence.